Hungarian mushroom soup with sour cream

Magyarul hamarosan You know, we Hungarians are totally crazy and passionate about or soup. I cook soup at least 2-3 times a week but ask either a Hungarian mother feeding a family and children or someone who lives in the countryside and they might tell you easily that they prepare a soup every single day of the week. We are....

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Five (Hungarian) things to eat before you die

MAGYARUL Now, I’m so late with this one. Melissa at the wonderful The Travelers Lunchbox started this huge joint project called „Things to eat before you die” already a month ago. She asked all foodbloggers to name five things that they’ve eaten and think that everyone should eat at least once before they die. Many people were complaining that the....

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And he again rings twice..EBBP#4 this time from France

This has been my second time participating in the EuroBlogging by Post event and certainly not the last one..Last time I received a wonderful parcel from Johanna. After returning back from New York I just couldn’t wait to see Andrew’s e-mail saying to which country in Europe and to which other foodblogger I’m going to send my foodie parcel. Andrew....

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My authentic Hungarian Goulash recipe

Bocsánat, ez most nincs magyarul, mert lusta vagyok…de csak sima pörkölt recept a külföldieknek. Well, originaly, I thought, the only recipe I wouldn’t post about on this site would be the one of a Hungarian goulash. However, then I looked around a bit on internet (before, of course I was never looking for a goulash recipe, since it’s something I’ve....

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The Postman always rings twice – EuroBlogging by Post #3

MAGYARUL I swear this is almost even better then Christmas! For the very first time I registered for participating in the third round of EuroBlogging by Post (first organized by Andrew )well before the holidays and was extremely excited about the whole event. Imagine, you get an address of another foodblogger of whatever nationality in whichever country in Europe to....

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Spiced Quince Soufflé

OK, there is no doubt anymore, I confess: I’m seriously quince obsessed. Two weeks ago, I bought the first bag of them at the Brussels market – the first arrivals this year I was told. So I came home and made that quince paste (or quince cheese as we call it in Hungary –a couple of years ago one could....

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Pomegranate Mascarpone Ice Cream

I blog in Hungarian but I decided to participate in some of the international food blogging events and do those posts in English in order to be able to interact sometimes with the international food blogosphere. So far I participated only ones but was that fun! I discovered this event through the fantastic site of the most talented Keiko and....

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